Saturday, October 09, 2004


feeling : such a pig

i woke up early for rowing today .. as our crew have an extra person .. (which is me) .. so the coach asked me to skull .. it was very much similiar to rowing just tat skull has to oars and there;s oni one person in the boat instead of 5 normally .. it was very hard to balance .. and kinda scary .. i was so worried tat i might fall into the water ,,but thankfully i didnt. . i was coached by the head of rowing .. (pride .. pride .. *.*) heheh ... and an experienced skuller.. alex ..
she tot me how to skull correctly and the golden rule of skulling tat is not to let go of ur oars ..1!!! ...once.. i nearly let go mine ..and they were both screaming not to let go or else i'll fall in .. :) hahaha.. i quickly hold tight to it mann .. it was great fun .. !! but then i prefer rowing it is more of teamwork.. and u wouldnt be alone!

after rowing .. i was so tired tat after a shower.. i dropped and fell asleep for less than a minute ... and slept for 4 hours!! after i woke up // i ate .. i felt such a pig cos all i did was just eating n sleeping the whole day .. >.< not funny !! all the rowing workout would just be gone after tat.. so sad~!! >.<

something really funny happened last nite .. while i was toking to jonathan on the phone .. i was too tired tat i fell asleep~!! hehhee .. he was playin zhang dong liang;s "dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi sui?" song .. it was really nice but i was too tired .. so funny ~@!hahha .. he told me tat he was screaming n yelling at the other end but i was too dead to hear him .. i oni heard him when he out down the phone and called me again (we were using mobile phone) :P .. goodness.. so embarrassing~! :P

happy camping and telematch to qm n guides ..
good luck to scouts campfire

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