feelings: tired, exhausted
probably most of u guys know tat i'm joining rowing for the last term rite? well .. since tat i've got a keen interest and motivated by it .. i'm gonna continue it despite the EXPENSIVE fees tat's gonna cost one of my airticket .. >.< but rowing was something new and i always wanted to try .. there wasnt anything like this in malaysia .. and partially .. i can tell my frens tat i've rowed before !~! hehehe :P but the main reason is tat i wanna keep fit and loose the weight .. as rowing is damn energy consuming .. more than i ever tot it would be ..
we have trainings every mon, wed, fri and sat mornings and thurs afternoon .. in the mornings.. we have to wake up at 5.20 to catch the bus tat was gonna leave at 5.45 .. then it'll take another 1hr to reach there .. after that.. either we start rowing in the water or we;ll have land fitness training or ergo or maybe something else // .. but it aint easy work ..
last wed.. we had our first training .. pau and i was still trying to decide whether to join or not to join as it requires alot of commitment .. then at nite ..we made up our mind to go .. then ..wed morning. . off we go .. we went on the water rowing .. my crew was made up of karen kwok (yr 11 senior) , pau, tammi and i .. anisha was the cox (someone who steers the boat) and later on she swapped with tammi .. we had heaps of fun .. our coach was a very nice lady .. then we went back to school ..
thurs after school training was hyper tiring .. i had my muscles aching till now .. we did fitness .. we had to run .. push up.. squats .. sprints .. did this continuously for an hour non stop ..well ..as for me .. i'm among the not fit group .. which took 3/4 of my life off dee doing all this tiring stuff >.< i was the slowest of all .. and was so exhausted after tat .. it was so embarassing like how not fit i am .. compared to the aussie ..
today .. we did rowing on the water . .. we were split into groups .. and accourding to karen .. the boat tat we were about to take was very crappy .. i kinda dun belief it .. but then after rowing for a while . i understood ... it was hard to balance .. and the oares were like wood hard .. ~!! they made my hands rough and blistered ~!!!! .. but it was fun .. despite waiting in the cold for the bus arrived late!! .. the teachers forgotten to book the bus~!! how could they ??we froze in the wind for 15 minutes ~~ >.< but we did get there and managed to row for an hour or so .. and we rowed more than we normally do .. but the funniest part of all is tat the boat never go in a straight line?~! weird .. we nearly crashed into the ducks once~!! hehehhe ..
rowing was cool ~! literately freezing cold ~! tmr have training ..have to organize transport ..troublesome ..
homework : .. tonnes of them .. science ..history assignments and stuff.. but then .. my worst fear is still english ~!!!!!!!!!!! .. cant fail it .. must get better grade than a B .. normally i get C or D .. desperately hoping tat i can get a better grade for this coming exams~! then i'll be very happy dee .. so many stuff to be worried of .. >.<
i cant get used to the boarding hse without joenah ~!! it's so different ..
i miss home
i miss my frens ..
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