Friday, August 01, 2008


i should be smart enough to know when to stop. stop putting myself in a position that i'll be so vulnerable that enables the enemy to inflict pain. seriously mun yee, GET SMART!

excuse me as i make a few mental notes.
stop being so stupid and living in fairy-airy land.
stop letting the enemy rob you of your joy and innocence

cant you see the cloud of witnesses in heaven cheering for you?
Dont you know that you're all that you can be according to His glorious riches in heaven?
wake up silly girl. stop day dreaming and procrastinating.
when is it enough to make me realise that it aint gonna produce fruits and there would be no ending to it.
stop looking down on urself. look up!

God, help me not to look to the right or to the left but to look ONLY unto you. i have been very silly to even dream and have hope on what i should have let you be in control to start off with. Lord, i lay them at your feet. When men fail and disappoint me, God, i know you never would. Even my efforts seemed to be in vain, God, i dun wanna rely on my own strength anymore. Father, i'm sick n tired of myself. Let You live in me, and kick my flesh some whooping ass. I dont want to strive anymore. Thank you for using incidents to teach me new things :) thank you from waking me up from further disillusions. You open n close doors Lord. You take control. You drive.
Thank you that i am able to make an impact. I wanna do more for you. to be your hands and feet. to show love. let me be focus at only the things of yours. This is my earnest prayer.

1 comment:

Y.yip said...

WOW, I've been searching that song for so long...Thanks, now I know the title and

Considering a chatterbox, make ur friends' life easier?lol