Thursday, September 02, 2010

A whole new world!

I can see CLEARLY now LORRAINE has gone.

Sooks told us a really funny joke on Tuesday and it's still stuck in my head. You have to hear it from her. It's awesome! The fact that it's still stuck with me 2 days later proves something. but the again, it could just be me.

CITY CAMP is coming up. If you're around, do come!!


God has just constantly been speaking to me bout reaching out to other people, since Ps Zoran spoken in church, close to a month ago? To love people, to tell them about how good our God is, and just be my passionate self. I absolutely love the analogy of NaCl, how we are called to be salt and light of the world.

NaCl crystalises because there's one + that came in touch with a -'ve.

If I am the positive, nothing is gonna happen if i keep holding onto myself. Let's go collide into someone's negative situation and see the beauty of God's power crystalising.

Easily said than done hey?! NO! i need to stop making it sound as tho it's utterly impossible. It's easy! I do it, but I dont do it with confidence. I feel like there are smtg that are holding me back, fear and insecurities. Too long I've listened to the lies of the enemy that I'm not good enough. For most of the time, it's just about stepping out and just have a cracker of a time being in the company of other people. I dont know.

i'm still scared but yet deep down inside of me, i long for an adventure.

I just watched Aladdin with my bestie, charis, when she came for a sleepover, where i still have to wake up at 6.30 am :S

Watch the first 27 of the clip.
It's as though God is reaching out his hand saying, "Do you trust me?"

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