Friday, January 29, 2010

oh. i forgot to put this thought down.

"good things come to those who waits"


should i change to tumblr?


been back in malaysia for 2 weeks now. havent been up to much but i'm treasuring my holiday. somehow this time it's different. less of hanging out with friends, more alone time, more family time. God spoke to me to make my holiday count. i dont know how but i want to make it count. and the trip down to malacca had taught me that if i am willing to allow God to interceed, He will make that happen! and i am soooo excited!

anway, for the past 2 weeks, I had a haircut,

met up with the yi wei family and was ben's driver for his last day. i love hanging out with that boy! he is so special to me!

had the most amazing weekend with my ai mei gang. these people are so close to my heart and has taught me so much about God. They stir me on further for the things of God.

this holiday has truly been different but i'm loving it!

havent been up to much. but surely i've ate HEAPS!

going off to bangkok in 2 hours! i'm so excited! havent had proper family trip in years!

Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 so far

my cap just re-rolled over. i get to go on the net again! woohoo :) makes life lots easier!

so, 2010 so far...

if i get the timetable preferences as i willed it, my schedule would be like this!

it's been an awesome start to the year. wayyy more eventful than ever. and i've also begun to look more into the deeper issue.
the inside of me.

Allan, Dant, Lik and i went to the beach the other day. Allan spoke of something which was so simple, yet so profound.

Enjoy the very moment, whatever comes come and you'll know what to do when it comes.

so true hey? most of the time, we (well, i've) spent wondering what would happen and getting too consumed in the things of the future, or more like my fantasy land. Too consumed, that's right. too consumed to the extent that i've become too innocently and naively oblivious to things. Too many things.

I'm so thankful for sisterly figure like Li who nags me past midnight (and she reckons that i secretly like being nag) haha.
She sees the things that I dont see. or, too blur to notice.

so, this year.. God has whispered a few things to me that is somewhat my resolution.

seriously, i am learning how to love.
prior to thursday, i was thinking about unconditional love. giving my all love. loving those who are hard to love. be there to comfort the hurting and stand with those who are easily shaken. but hey, there's more to love than i thought.
i need to learn how to love wisely. say no or sorry, not interested when i know that's the right thing to do to not hurt them.
i need to learn how to not be nice out of love. when to move on, and not feel guilty about the things of the past.

this summer has been such an interesting one. my heart aches for those whom i love. it aches for mum when grandma passed away. it aches for a friend when he settles for second best in life. it aches for another when the girlfriend was uncertained about their future. it misses those who are far away..

dont get me wrong. i'm not all emo. God has been tremendously good to me.
cos' the other whisper i heard was such an awesome comfort.

"There it is. there it is."

Such gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit. Everything that i need, it is found in Him. All the joy, smiles, healing and comfort, flows from Him. So friends, thank you for the awesome company and all the great and lil things in life. i know there it is.
in bike rides and pastas, in sitting round the dining table and moving chairs, in hot bbq and under cool AC, in christmas and new years, in photos and movies. in lazing on the couch to playing bball.
there it is.
so near. so close.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Maccas free wifi is the best!!

I've been so disconnected from the world and now doing my blog catch ups after work.

Hello 2010. I am sooo excited and can't wait for
to see more of God. So many stories to tell. Of only I can bring my lappie and spend the whole day here.

Short update - everything is good. I've moved and now I'm just busy moving in and unpacking. Still looking for another female housemate if anyone knows of someone needin a room.
New years was great. Different from the ones of my past but it was good.

Deep inside, I miss still miss home and with Christmas and new years away, it felt as tho smtg is missing.
It's not like I don't have a great time, don't get me wrong. I had a fantastic time.

It's just ... Different.

Maybe this was how the little birdie feel like when it first flapped it's wings and flew out of home.