Monday, January 08, 2007


yup :) today i've been such a good girl ..staying in the whole day .. and did my very first online dominos pizza order (*applause) and basically reflecting upon the past year .. reminiscing the good old times and coming up with a good 2007 new year resolution :P i know it's like a week late .. or so.. but oh well :P better late than none rite?

i've taken out my diary and looked back and the photos.. WOW .. a year has gone by SO QUICKLY .. as though it's just a blink of the eye the calender flips

hmmm in the year 2006 .. i

been a captain

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organised some events that got ppl stressed and then seen the smiles on many others

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seeh the many different characters of people

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sorta been in and out of a relationship

enjoyed Commonwealth Games to the fullest

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seen the miracles of God through His people with willing heart

been to a formal of my own

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and another not of mine

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slow danced at a park crazily and at a proper prom

recieved flowers

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starting to go out for mamaks and yumcha at nite

had tummyaches after eating mamaks

been to literally all the hotels' toilet that are located next to malls

got real stressed because of VCE

been to my very first tuition in melbourne because of spesh

survived and pulled through VCE by God's grace

shopped a lot

kept my hair to the longest length ever!

ate a lot

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cooked a couple of times

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baked once

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i just got the recipe. .that's not wat i baked tho.. hehe

gained some weight

gained new friends

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felt as though some had drifted away from me

start to explore more bout friendship

witness the love and support i have when my eyeballs were all swollen

felt real bad for making people pick me up as though they were my chauffeurs

sat in a car of a person i just met like 5 sec ago

went under the rain to realise i recognised the wrong car

passed my Ls in melbourne

drove illegally

been through emotional ups and downs (though they are seemingly little business now that i look back :P )

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err.. does this photo narrates it?

been through misunderstandings

expanded my social circle

spent more family time

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teared even before the day of separation has come

undergo the pain of bidding goodbyes

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attended loads of birthday parties which involves EATING :)

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cried my lungs out over a lost bag *damn dumb i know*

broke my heart for my loved ones

had ESL class outings and parties

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went to beaches at melbourne

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and got REAL bad burns

swam only ONCE throughout the whole entire year >.<

put on manly oversized clothes for the first time

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thrown gross shit and rotten milk at the younger girls

graduated from high school

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ABOVE ALL .. i accepted Christ into my life and everthing's changed

though i wasnt too sure what was i getting myself into .. but i start going to church

invited people to church

been to 2 church camps

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our car members

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girls from camp

i learnt to agree lovingly

not to be quick to judge

maybe seen visions and dreamt of things that i dun understand

felt His touch and been under His arms

question alot

know what's it like to have a direction, a purpose and a rock

celebrated my first Christmas from a different perspective

learning to see His grace and mercy

and in this upcoming year of 2007 ..

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i want to

know God better draw closer to Him :)

serve Him in one of the ministry or church

want to be a YOUNG lady of faith and compassion

love people more and be more understanding

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spend more time with people

and i dun wanna loose contact with any single person but on the contrary be closer than ever!

learn to look at time and be punctual :P but since everyone always assume i'll be late..this will not be my priority then :P

do more random things like heading to Putrajaya for a day trip and crashing proms or parties :P

learn how to play music or sing or dance perhaps

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start and KEEP a DIARY .. not a "week-ry" or so forth

more family time

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be more passionate and more fired up

uni .. hmm .. be able to settle in the new environment and cope well with the change

not fall asleep in class

pass my Ps and drive

i wanna be more influencial, more expandable

learn to think BIG and think out of a box

i wanna be more simplistic

more appreciative

more thankful

more lovable

i wanna give more and my very best in everything

and i wanna see the what the beaautiful world holds for me :)

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for there's always rainbow behind the cloudy sky

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i know it's a darn long list for both .. but i believe that this year .. i'll be witnessing more miracles :) venturing out into more excitements :)
yes. i may seemed to be more busy. but i want u to know that i'll still be the same, the one who will still love u always :) *hugs* and no matter how faraway we are .. true friends and darling family will ALWAYS remain close at my heart.

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