Saturday, May 29, 2010

the time of the month

it's the time of the month where EVERYTHING is emotionally magnified.

or perhaps, God is stretching me? i don't really know.
recently, there's just been too much of an overwhelming rollercoaster ride! good stuff and not so pleasant stuff can happen to me sooo quickly and before i have time to process it, it's like the bad stuff has come around to get me. but God's goodness come just in time to protect me. and the cycle repeats itself too quickly that i dont even have time to process it in my little pea brain!! it's like i havent had enough time to get over one event and the next occur.

it's as though i've had a heart of an old lad who just took 20 steps up the stairs in a minute (an achievement) but at the same time, my heart is pounding to cope. Evereything in me is trying to blurt or vomit stuff out but i know i need to compose myself and just breathe. Get the picture?

i'd like to think i'm being stretched and i somehow know that there's always something good! and end of the day, God is still worthy of all my praises!

Take my hand, take one step

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