i know at the moment. we're prolly very different from where we used to be. mann, it has been 5 years. of course things change. but i love our innocence back then. i love how u would love me for just who i am. i love how we can write notes and stick it on each others door. i love the fact that u say u'll always be there for me.
its hard to keep up with time, especially when it zooms past us so ever quickly. perhaps we're all at different pages of life now. we're doing different things, believing in different values. but hey, if i've never told u this, i wanna tell u now.
i love you and i appreciate all the memories we share.
i'm sorry that it's been so long and so far.
but you know what, going through all those stuff..
i miss your presence in my life. i miss seeing you every schooling day in that green pants and blue pinafore.
i miss the fact that you're just down the corridoor, having instant noodles in your room or nibbling your pack of biscuits away.
i miss you.
i admit that we have different priorities in life now
but thank you for the great work that you're doing, the love that you're continuously pouring out to the ones near you.
thank you for who you were and who u are.
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