Thursday, January 10, 2008


finally.. i'm having the time to just reflect and think about the year now that all whole body is aching and i can barely move.. but i guess it's good as well. to sit down and be still. to think about the year and what has it meant to me. how can i improve.

random note:it's like pouring like mad out there and it's actually quite scary to be at home alone.. yet. somehow there's a part of me enjoying it. knowing that Jesus is with me :D

erhem. concentrate.

i guess the year 2007 in all has been a year full of learning experiences and growing opportunities. filled with love, smiles, tears, challenges, revelations, fall-flat-on-bed moments and lots more.

it surely wasnt a all smooth sailing and problems free year. but i really thank God tat there were times of mourning and uncertainties cos it made me understand that its time to grow up and learn to handle things. it's time to be held responsible. to be held accountable and to be accountable to

in the year 2007.. i'd

been a uni student.
met a whole lot of new people.extended by social circle
been in a ministry. children ministry. by God's grace.
first time renting a house
bought my very own furniture
performed on stage
cleaned the toilet for the very first time
cooked on a weekly basis
job hunting and worked in 4 different places.
been to a funeral for the very first time
talked and be-friends with my neighbour
loving the neighbourhood
travelled to the west of melbourne fortnightly
been through tensional relationships with family and frens
been hurt and loved.
stayed awake on adrenalin
went to jakarta with lots of other experiences attached to it
witnessed God's miracles.
understand the importance of authority and obedience
babysit neighbour's kids and was so blessed by it.
welcomed into a suburb family, God's family.
failed my Ps twice.
gained weight - BOOOOOO -
gone through stressful academical period
placed in an island of uncertainties
experienced God's faithfulness and providence.
been blessed by so many leaders, drivers, cooks and organiser.
went to strawberry picking for the very first time
learnt how to dance
attended graduations
went on the best vacations and outings

actually there's so so much more. it's just as wat the bible say in

Ecclesiastes 3

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

even as i was reflecting. i couldnt stop thinking and memories just flashed back into my mind. honestly, i've gotta admit tat i havent really been a good friend or even showed enough love to others. i had been selfish and i could have been better. i hadnt spent my time wisely. there were times when i was lukewarm and ignorant. but of course, i REMEMBERED the times when i had received, the times when LOVE become reality instead of fantasy. i can pictured the times when i was literally laughing and rolling on the floor. i remembered the moments when i was praying and tears rolled down my cheeks. i remembered lying on the bed thanking God for the person next to me.

so, as the year 2008 kicked in, i tried denying it, but it's a fact tat i'm 20 soon.
haha. pat's new year sms ran into my head. new year new bf. well.. perhaps.. perhaps not?! who knows?! but it's definitely the start of something new. yes. i havent accomplished a lot last year. and there's a lot to pick it up from.


to never ever take God for granted and still to draw closer to Him
to place Him first in everything
time management get my priorities right in all areas - people, studies, church, activities, job
be grateful for everything
see the bigger picture before acting rashly
have a pure and soft heart that's easy to mould.
this year, for me, i believe is a year of giving more than recieving.
it's my turn to be a blessing instead of continously being blessed. ( I REALLY WANNA PASS MY Ps!!!)
be proactive and initiative
in uni, i really wanna make a difference. may it be in the lives of others or watsoever. i wanna leave my mark
be a woman of prayer, faith and compassion
i wanna be there to lend my shoulders and ears. to be ever ready for others.
this year, i wanna be empowered to win a generation thru love

watever it is, i'm excited and full of hope. He is always there, guiding me through it and i never wanted it any other way to spend my year.

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