Monday, March 28, 2011

Complacent vs Contented

Planetshakers conference is coming up in 15 days!! (if you have yet to register, go to the website and do it!!!! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE)

I have always learnt to set expectation and to believe for BIG and greater things. God is faithful and He will always come through. I have personal encounters and experiences of my own. A lot of my life changing moments come from me taking a small step of faith and God invading my natural senses. Positioning yourself in the environment to receive is the first step, so sign up!

So, yesterday, jon and i were talking about conference and what do we expect. I was very honest and I admitted that I dont know what to expect. I refused to admit that I was indecisive hence not knowing what I want. In my own words, I said, "I was afraid that I'm being too complacent and not asking God for more." but in actual fact, I want more. I just dont know what "more" can i ask from God.
Jon said I wasnt being complacent, I was being contented.
That, somehow, struck a chord in me.

Life has been slowly climbing back upwards again. I have been blessed tremendously and abundantly beyond my expectations. Life is cruising and it is good. I can say, I have all the materialistic things that I need and I am very comfortable this stage.
But spiritually, I know I can never have enough, but the question is, what can i never have enough of?

Yes, I understand that we can never have enough of God and we should press in for more of Him. but i think, I have fallen into the trap of chasing after the gifts and the outworks of His Spirit instead of the One who gives. I know how God wants to use me and God gives me these gifts to serve Him and the people around Him. But you know, if you're not close enough or sensitive enough to Him, these gifts are of no use. Who can you encourage, and what do you say even if you wanna encourage them? These little things seemed so hard when you're striving on your own strength and just wanting to work it by your own ability.
There's no power behind it.
God is not in it.

Yes, a lot of times, I believe. I believe when we pray for healing.
I believe when we ask God for breakthrough.
Dangerously, I think I have fallen into the trap that it's about me- I believe, I pray, I stepped out. I've tried and why has it not happened? and why isnt the people around me saved yet!

Holy Spirit reminded me gently today,
"Mun Yee, it's not about you and your own strength. It's ME, working through you."

and so, today, I've learnt to put things back into perspective again. It's

GOD, I believe.
GOD, I know you will come through.
GOD, work in me.

James 5: 11
As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

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