Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the heart has a memory!

Did you know that the heart has a memory? It amazes me!! Especially after having a whole unit dedicated to cardio clinical practice!

Hence the bible says this

Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Proverbs 4:23

I just said goodbye, again, to my best friend @jimmylaw (dont you just get used to putting an @ in front of the names now that we're so consumed in the twitter and fb world?! hahaha). This time it is slightly different, cos i know that I wont have him around to listen and put up with my rubbish, or for me to listen to him update and be concerned bout his girl or just the random do nothing moments. hahaha.
Somehow, this time, it felt like, we are REALLY saying goodbye. and see you again feels so far away. I'm not emo or anything. but it just hit me, i think.


anyway, as I was saying, the heart has a memory! amazing! It remembers to beat (in nerdy term, it's called automaticity). It has a memory bank on its own and if well preserved, under the right environment, without the brain, it will still beat. God created it so special, because, it is precious to Him
(and now I've got so much to study about it cos of it's complexity :S hahaha)

So, it is kinda true when people said that there's a place for you in my heart. Cos there really is. Come into the world of Mun Yee's imagination.
In your heart, there's like a billion cells, and they each have memory right? So, for a place for you in my heart would mean, that one cell would have your name on it!! aiks! i dont think I'm doing it justice. so wish i have my lappie with me now, would just draw and put a photo up for u. haha. oh well. just imagine it.

Yes, your heart is very precious to God. I was just thinking about it this week. People open up their hearts to the ones they love and it is kinda like taking a chance. Was talking to my bestie over msn this week and I realised that you could open yourself up to a lot of hurt and uncertainty if things take another turn.
BUT I have on the other hand, witness the beauty of love in many ways that I cant pen it all down. I know, without a doubt, if you are in the perfect will of the Father, He watches over you. He loves the heart of a child, and simply having child-like faith.

I digged out all my journals the other day whilst i was looking for a book. I started reading them again and mann. i love the old me who was so simple and fresh. I love how believing doesnt take much. It's not that I have gone downhill or whatsoever, it's just how we tend to complicate things as we grow older. God was just reminding me of how I was like before and blowing me away with the things of the past where it was just visions are now coming to past. We are growing up. But it is utterly important that we dont loose our innocence.

People told me that I cant be so naive and live life like a cupcake. Call me silly, call me dumb.
Once my heart has your name on it, it's very hard for me to not open myself up to you and even if you trample on it and I get hurt, at least I gave my all and I gave my best. Kids get over hurt easily. They brush off their bruises and stand up again, right?

Yes, of course I will guard my heart, cos it's the well spring of life. I wont let you trample on it just because I am opening up, I'm not that all dumb ok! haha.
But because it's the well spring of life, I dont want it to stop flowing either.

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